Welcome to Rise Strong Leadership

This programme is designed to support leaders stay focused and resilient when times get tough.

In recent years leaders have faced ongoing struggles on the back of the pandemic, with hybrid working teams for some, diminishing team numbers due to employer financial strains, and the weight of deteriorating mental health of some team members.

It has been tough.

Well..... enough is enough!

This programme is about to change all of that for you.

Rise Strong Leadership is going to not only show you how you can be more resilient and positive, leading with purpose and finding joy in what you do. But, it's also going to help you build those same traits within your team.

Rise Strong is ideally run as a group programme within an organisation, or it can be delivered virtually.

The programme always has the following content:

  • Identifying what provides us with a clear sense of purpose so we can thrive, centring that around our values.

  • Consider the power of optimism and the impact it can bring on you and your team in challenging times.

  • Learn how to inspire and give trust - learn how this can be your super power as a leader!

  • Bring a courageous mindset and attitude to your work.

  • Understand the power in being a decisive leader.

  • Understand that asking for help is not a weakness, and bringing your vulnerability to your role is vital.

  • Fun is key! Learn to use laughter to lighten the load.

  • Learn to use your curiosity as a way to empower others.

  • Showing self-care and care for others is crucial.

  • Recognising the importance of turning adversity into opportunity - every day's a school day!

Additional extras available

Rise Strong Leadership

  • 1:1 coaching sessions

    Individual coaching sessions are available for those who wish a more specific and in-depth opportunity to work on their leadership approaches, how to achieve their goals, or on any other issue they would wish to discuss.

  • Rise Strong Leadership Action Learning Sets

    RSL Action Learning Sets offer participants the opportunity to come together regularly, either virtually or in person, and use the knowledge of the other programme participants with whom they have built a confidential and trusting relationship, to help solve challenges in their roles. The process of these meetings is carefully facilitated by the programme leader to ensure that the session remains positive and solution-focused.

  • Follow up sessions

    Follow up sessions are available to check in with participants, and take the opportunity to review where they are again in the year, and look to revise and reignite once again. This not only boosts productivity, but ensures employees feel valued and listened to.

Here what others have to say about Sharon Smith Coaching

John Morphet, CEO Pure Leisure Group

"Sharon worked with my sales team and holiday sales advisors. Their feedback has been really positive and everyone is fired up for a great season ahead. Pure Leisure Group will definitely incorporate this programme on a regular basis with our teams. I thoroughly recommend Sharon and the work she does!’

Programme Leader

Sharon Smith

Hi, I'm Sharon Smith, an NCIP Professionally Accredited Transformational Life and Leadership Coach. With over 20 years in Scottish Education, I've journeyed from being a dedicated class teacher to taking on leadership roles and eventually shifting my focus to supporting teachers and school leaders with their professional learning and leadership development. Today, I passionately serve as a Transformational Life and Leadership Coach, specialising in helping individuals and teams overcome sticking points in their lives and careers. My mission is to empower transformation through a values-based coaching approaches.